Legal Outsourcing
Drafting a contract, adjusting to the client contracts offered by counterparties, negotiating with counterparties on such contract issues as, essential conditions, rights and obligations of the parties, execution and termination of the contract
Counterparty verification
To answer these challenges, we have assembled a team of professionals in a field of Compliance, Due Diligence, and Risk Mitigation.
International Real Estate
Consultation on the specifics of acquiring real estate and making other transactions in a particular country, mortgage obtaining, paying taxes.
IT Law
Legal and consulting services in the field of IT business. Opening bank accounts in foreign jurisdictions for IT companies. (tariffs for servicing non-residents, the currency of sending and receiving payments, and a number of other important factors.
Legal Translation
Professional Legal Translation Services. All legal documentation is translated by linguists who have vast experinece in translating legal documentation and have a degree in law.