Надання консультацій з мінімізації ризиків

The most common risks

It is well known that doing business always involves a measure of risk. The most common type of risk is one’s choice of the counterparty, doubly so in Ukraine and other developing countries. And with our world becoming more interconnected Due Diligence and Risk analysis becomes a necessity when dealing with international partners. 

The most common risks associated with the choice of counterparty include: the risk of bankruptcy of the counterparty, the risk of fraud, the risk of untendered obligations, the risk of default, absence of the necessary license to conduct business, etc.

To answer these challenges, we have assembled a team of professionals in a field of Compliance, Due Diligence, and Risk Mitigation.

An experienced entrepreneur may ask: "Why use such service if I can just google it in open sources.”

Our answer is quite simple: First of all, most government registries provide very limited basic information on the business. Like vise most online sources are simply bots that mindlessly compile the data without providing any form of analysis.

On the other hand, our focus is not on the raw data but on its analysis. Our team is able to provide a risk profile of each counterparty, and provide custom risk mitigation plan. Unlike a bot we are can flexibly respond to any Due Diligence challenge you may face. 

Second, our company’s primer field of expertise is due diligence in Ukraine, Russia and other Ex-East Block countries, but we also have experience in due diligence and compliance in, and South-East Asia and other developing jurisdictions, as well as USA and EU. We are a unique company that can provide accurate Due Diligence and risk analysis in developing jurisdictions no matter the complexity and the international spread of your prospective counterparty. 

Third, we provide not only risk analytics but also a corresponding set of custom risk mitigation solutions tailored specifically for your case. 

We can also provide Due Diligence solutions for your existing or prospecting Corporate officers. Our dossier will include information on criminal allegation or charges, involvement in court cases, outstanding debts, etc.

Finally, our company can aid you in creating Due Diligence and Companies system and all necessary procedures of your own. Such system could be tailored for EU, developing jurisdiction or both, while keeping your unique needs in mind. 

Full list of services:

  • Due Dilagance of Ukrainian, Russian or CIS counterparties.
  • Due Dilagance of counterparties in other jurisdiction of your choise.
  • Provision of counsel on risk minimization.
  • Development of the internal system of Compliance and Due Diligance.

Depending on your needs, the service can be provided  on per case basis or on a regular/subscription basis (In this case, the price will depend on the required number of hours / expected workload.)

Remember, our company provides the ability to personalize our services to solve your specific case.

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